$Mee Token

Available now on Exchanges


Get $Mee token on Bybit

One of the world's fastest-growing cryptocurrency exchanges and trading platform, trusted by millions of users globally.

Get $Mee token on Mexc

One of the world's leading digital asset exchanges, trusted by over 7 million users worldwide.

Get $Mee token on Quickswap

The leading DEX & AMM where users can swap, LP, farm, stake, and trade perpetual swaps at fast speeds with extremely low transaction fees.

Stake your $Mee Token

The MEE token is the utility token in Medieval Empires. It provides many in-game benefits such as VIP status, land access, daily rewards, and more. In order to access these benefits, please connect your wallet and stake the required amount of MEE tokens.

Voting power & VIP status with influence over game rules.

Access to purchase NFTs such as Land

Early use of game features

access to Airdrops

Moreover, the utility tokens will also be tradeable on an exchange or marketplace as per the vesting period.

More questions about our token? Visit our FAQ page

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